Just in time for graduation and ordination season, I'm happy to offer personalized copies of Daily Divine Service Book. You can choose the color of the cover and font as well as a text with your name, church, etc. You may also send along an image file to incorporate into the cover. The cost for such personalization is just the regular price of the hardcover (which has been selling at 5% off – so it's actually $2 more than the current price for the non-personalized hardcover).
To order, send an email with the details of what you want on the cover, spine, and back cover to: ddsborders@gmail.com, then I will create your edition and send you the link where it may be purchased.
And what is more – you can enter the coupon code IDES305 until March 15 to get 15% off your order, more than covering the extra cost for personalization. Here are some samples to get your creative juices flowing.

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