Pfarrer Jürgen Diestelmann
29 May 1928-29 December 2014

congregation, where he discharged his vicarage in the mid-1950s and later
served as pastor from 1975 till his retirement in 1990, has long been a bright
light amid the darkness of the German “Lutheran” territorial churches,
noteworthy for its orthodoxy in doctrine and liturgical life. Diestelmann’s
personal blog, which he updated even in the past month, offered an orthodox
Lutheran perspective on the local and global scene, and also served as the
website of the Brüderngemeinde:
. Diestelmann’s Brüdernrundbrief, whose last issue appeared in October of last
year, was a much appreciated source of news and encouragement for orthodox
Lutherans in Europe.
A faithful
and energetic parish pastor with every ounce of his being, for more than half a
century Diestelmann was highly active in academic research and publishing,
focussing sharply on the sacramental doctrine and practice of Martin Luther and
his faithful followers in the Reformation period. An 84-pp. book published by
Diestelmann in 1960 on Luther’s understanding of the Consecration proved useful
in my own doctoral researches more than thirty years ago. Diestelmann
untiringly hammered home the doctrinal truth and liturgical-practical
implications of the Reformer’s scriptural understanding of the Consecration,
publishing a series of volumes culminating in a book issued in 2014 with a view
to the impending Luther jubilee of 2017. Luther oder Melanchthon: Der Bruch
einer historischen Freundschaft und die Folgen für die heutige Ökumene
und das Reformationsgedenken 2017 (= Luther or Melanchthon: the break of an historic friendship and its
consequences for contemporary worldwide Christendom and the Reformation
commemoration of 2017) must head toward the top of my to-read list. I note from
Diestelmann’s website that he recently received a courteous thank-you letter
from Benedict XVI/Joseph Ratzinger, to whom he sent a copy.
I last
corresponded with Pfarrer Diestelmann in 2009, when he had me review for Logia
his Usus und Actio: Das Heilige Abendmahl bei Luther und Melanchthon.
A glance at this appraisal of his work will demonstrate how much we shall
remain in Diestelmann’s debt:
was co-editor of Einträchtig Lehren, the festschrift published in honour of Bishop
Schoene in 1997.
Diestelmann leaves behind his widow, Leonore, four children, ten grandchildren,
and four great-grandchildren.
His funeral
will take place in the Brüdernkirche on the festival of the Epiphany of our Lord,
with interment following the next day.
aeternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei.
John R. Stephenson, PhD
Professor of Historical Theology
Professor of Historical Theology
Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary
St. Catherines, Ontario
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