Catechumenate – Forming Individuals and the Church in Faith
As a congregation, Good Shepherd faces some
significant challenges as she seeks to catechize individuals and bring them
into the fellowship of the Sacrament of the Altar. The greatest of these challenges is the fact
that we now live in a world that can be described as post-Christian. There was a time when the core values and
assumptions of the Church and our culture overlapped to a large degree. As the Church worked to bring new members into
the fellowship, she could assume that interested individuals shared a common
morality and had a basic knowledge of the biblical narratives. However, that is no longer the case. Instead individuals are now often quite open
to attitudes and behaviors that Scripture says are contrary to God’s will. They frequently have little knowledge of the
basic narratives contained in Scripture.
Their values and assumptions are often not those of the Church.
And even when a person is coming from a Christian
background, there are still significant challenges. Located in southern Illinois, we live in an
area where both the Lutheran Church and her sacramental and catholic
(universal) piety are rare. The majority
of people joining Good Shepherd through catechesis come from various Reformed
churches that deny the Sacraments and whose worship life and piety have
included very few of the catholic practices that have been the common heritage
of the Church – things like liturgy, creeds, Church year, lectionary,
vestments, etc.
Both of these situations underscore the need to
bring people out of one culture and worldview and to bring them into an
evangelical catholic culture and worldview.
This is not an easy assignment.
But it is also not the first time the Church has faced it. In the course of the fourth century, the
Church went from facing empire-wide persecution to being the official religion
of the Roman Empire. Suddenly there was
a large group of people who wanted to come into the Church. However, they came from a pagan world. They needed to be shaped and formed in the
Church’s culture and worldview.
The Church’s response was the catechumenate – a
formal process by which individuals were gradually led deeper into the
Christian faith and life. This was aimed
not simply at education, but rather at forming people to live as Christ’s
Church. A series of rites helped to mark
the stages as a person continued on in this process and grew in their
The goal and foundation of this process was Holy
Baptism that occurred at the Vigil of Easter.
The season of Lent was a time of preparation and an individual
experienced entrance into the Church within the setting of Holy Week. After remembering the death of Christ on Good
Friday, the celebration of Easter began on Saturday night at the Vigil of
Easter. St. Paul wrote, “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized
into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with
him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the
dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life” (Romans
6:3-4). Baptism at the Vigil of Easter
highlighted the fact that Holy Baptism gives us a share in Christ’s saving
death and resurrection. The week after
Easter was then a time of ongoing reflection upon the Means of Grace and the
liturgy of the Church in which they take place.
The catechumenate has been taken up again by
sacramental and liturgical churches in order to meet the renewed challenge of
bringing people out of the culture that surrounds us and into the culture of
the Church. This fall, Good Shepherd
will begin using the catechumenate to bring individuals who are not Lutheran
into the congregation. At Good Shepherd,
the catechumenate will take the following form:
Catechumenate at Good Shepherd Lutheran
Time of Inquiry
A time to answer questions that
inquirers may have about what the Lutheran Church believes.
May – Friendship Sunday
September – Enrollment of
focused on Lectionary and Catechism
September – Admission to the
Preparation for Baptism and Affirmation of Baptism; Confirmation and Reception
in to Membership
focused on worship and living the Christian life
First Sunday in Lent – Enrollment
of Candidates for Baptism and Enrollment of Candidates for Affirmation of
Baptism, Confirmation and Reception into Membership
Third Sunday in Lent – Blessing
of Candidates – Renunciation of Evil
Fourth Sunday in Lent – Blessing
of Candidates – Presentation of the Creed
Fifth Sunday in Lent – Blessing of Candidates – Presentation of
the Lord’s Prayer
Vigil of Easter – Rite of Holy
Baptism and, Confirmation and Reception into Membership
about and reflection upon the Vigil of Easter.
Wednesday in Easter Week
The catchumenate begins with a
Time of Inquiry. During this period, congregation
members are encouraged to invite people to attend the Divine Service. A
Friendship Sunday in May will be a time particularly aimed at this. Visitors who are interested in the Lutheran
Church are encouraged to continue attending the Divine Service because it is
through the liturgy of Word and Sacrament that a person begins to learn about
the Christian faith and to be formed by the Church’s sacramental and catholic culture. They are provided a copy of the Small Catechism to read and invited to
meet with pastor in an informal setting in order to ask questions and receive an
overview of what the Lutheran Church believes.
As the group who will be entering
the catechumenate begins to form, they are matched with sponsors from the
congregation who are enrolled in September.
Sponsors pray for a catechumen, take part in catechesis with them, and
serve as support and encouragement during this process.
The events that take place during
the Time of Inquiry illustrate that the catechumenate is the congregation’s
outreach tool. Congregation members do
not simply invite people to come and visit Good Shepherd. They invite them to a
process that is ready to bring those who are interested into the Evangelical
Lutheran Church. Members are also part of this process as they serve as
sponsors who assist individuals in becoming part of the congregation.
Inquirers who decide that they
want to become part of the Lutheran Church and members at Good Shepherd are
admitted into the catechumenate . This
takes place at the beginning of the Divine Service on the first Sunday in
October. The fact that the Admission to
the Catechumenate takes place in the Divine Service highlights an important
point. The catechumenate is a public process in which the congregation
encourages and supports those who are entering into the fellowship.
After entering the catechumate,
the individuals begin catechesis, meeting once a week with their sponsors and
the pastor. Catechesis is about
formation in the faith. It is not simply
education. For this reason catechesis
occurs in the setting of worship using the Service of Prayer and Preaching in Lutheran Service Book (pg. 260). The catechesis focuses on the Scripture
readings from the previous Sunday and on the Catechism (Ten Commandments;
Apostles’ Creed; Lord’s Prayer; Matthew 28:19 [Holy Baptism]; John 20:22-23
[Holy Absolution]; Words of Institution [Sacrament of the Altar]) as explained
in Luther’s Small Catechism.
Catechesis continues in this way
until Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.
The Church year teaches the faith and unfolds before us the saving work
of Christ. The timing of catechesis
allows the catechumen to experience Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent and
Easter. These seasons of the Church year become part of their formation in the
faith and are integrated by the pastor into catechesis.
The beginning of Lent marks the
final stage of catechesis as the catechumens prepare for Baptism or the
Affirmation of Baptism; and for Confirmation and Reception in to Membership. They have completed catechesis that focuses
on the content of the Catechism and are invited to express publicly their
intention to be baptized or to affirm their baptism at the Vigil of Easter,and
to be confirmed and received into membership.
At the same time, this is a moment when the Church exercises
discernment. The pastor and the sponsors
prayerfully consider whether a catechumen is ready for this next step as they
reflect upon their presence at the Divine Service and catechesis, and the
manner in which their lives display progress in the Christian life.
The Enrollment of Candidates
takes place in the Divine Service on the First Sunday in Lent. Like the Admission into the Catechumenate
this portion of the service marks and helps to reinforce the deepening
commitment. The candidates enter into
Lent, which is a time of catechesis and growth in the faith that leads to
baptism. The congregation affirms that
it will support the candidates during Lent as they make this journey. In turn, the presence of the candidates
reminds the congregation that Lent is a return to baptism for all of us, a
point that becomes clear in the Affirmation of Baptism at the Vigil of Easter.
During Lent, catechesis focuses
on worship and living the Christian life.
Candidates learn about how the liturgy is the setting for the jewels of
the Sacraments and about how the liturgy continues to teach the faith we
confess. Through reflection upon the
Scriptures, they also learn about what the Christian faith means for daily life
in the world. The Lenten journey is
punctuated by the Blessing of the Candidates on the Third, Fourth and Fifth
Sundays in Lent. As they learn about
the Christian life, the candidates renounce
evil. They are also publicly presented the Apostles’ Creed and the Lord’s
Prayer. This summarizes the catechesis
in faith and prayer that they have received and emphasizes the importance of
confessing the faith and praying as they enter into the fellowship.
During Holy Week candidates
attend the Triduum – the one service that runs through the three days of Maundy
Thursday, Good Friday and the Holy Saturday.
At the Vigil candidates receive Holy Baptism or approach the font in
order to affirm their baptism. All
candidates are confirmed, received into membership and then receive the Lord’s
Supper for the first time as they share in the sacrament of unity.
The individuals now share in the
fellowship at Good Shepherd. However, this does not mean they are finished
growing in faith. The Christian life is
an ongoing process and this is exemplified by the fact that they meet on the
Wednesday of Easter Week for mystagogy.
Mystagogy is the process of explaining the mysteries of Holy Baptism and
the Sacrament of the Altar. It is
reflection upon the service and the experiences of the Vigil of Easter as we
think about what they mean for our ongoing life in the faith.
Good Shepherd will begin using
the catechumenate in order to transform people by taking them out of the
culture of the world and bringing them into the sacramental and catholic
culture of the Church. However, the
catechumenate will also help in the continuing process of renewal and growth in
faith of the congregation’s life. It will make outreach and evangelism part of
the rhythm of the congregation. It will
make Lent a time for renewed commitment to the baptismal life. The presence of the catechumens and
candidates will remind us that just as they are making a journey of faith, we
are called to return to that journey and what it means for us.